G. Zoonar distribution network management

G.01 The Zoonar distribution network

Zoonar offers you the possibility to market your photos and vector graphics through additional distribution channels. We supply many German language customers through Fotofinder and the Zoonar API. Our customers search for photos and download them using these channels, but they have a fees agreement with Zoonar. We recommend all photographers to activate these distribution networks.
Partners such as AGE, Alamy or DDP Images are photo agencies. We don’t have any influence on their price models.
Zoonar takes on many tasks for you in the distribution network. We translate keywords and titles, we apply appropriate categories for your photos if a partner requires us to do so. We upload your photos to our partners, we create “essential keywords” and we also check for legal issues with your photos. This offer is intended for photographers and graphic designers who don’t have the time to upload their works to all the different photo agencies by themselves.
It is one specific feature of the Zoonar distribution network that you can select and release individual photos for any of our partners. You can also release all of your photos and illustrations for a partner at once, if you wish so.

G.02 How do I release my works for the Zoonar distribution network?

First, you go to the Zoonar distribution management tool (to find under “My profile”, then “Distributor management”). Read and accept the corresponding terms and conditions for each partner you want to release photos for. In the next step you can choose to release all of your photos and illustrations or only some of them.
VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE: we can only pass on photos which have a model and property release status other than “unknown”. You have to set a model and/or property release status for photos you want to release for any of our partners.

G.03 Why does it take so long for my photos to be released for some of the partners?

Usually, a few million photos are released over night once a new partner is added. Some partners require additional work from Zoonar which takes some time with a few million photos.

G.04 Can I change the license model after a partner release?

You can’t change the license model once you’ve released a photo for one of our partners. We can’t send photos with a RM license to one of our partners while you choose to offer the same photo with a RF license on Zoonar. Select the desired license model always before your photo upload. You can do so any time in “My profile” and then “Edit profile”.

G.05 How can I delete single photos from a partner?

To delete a photo from a partner please go to the picture management tool (“My Profile”, “Manage pictures”. Mark all the photos you want to delete from a partner, then click on “edit pictures”. Select the partner from the dropdown menu. The photo will be deleted after six months.

G.06 Why does it take six months to delete a photo from a partner?

Zoonar sends deletion lists to our partners every quarter. Since it requires a lot of work we generate these lists only four times every year. Our partners also need a waiting period until the photos are removed. Our partners must be able to process outstanding accounts and customers who downloaded layout data must be able to buy the original photo for some time. And lastly, payments which are received at a later date must be booked.

G.07 What happens with my photos in the Zoonar API?

The API enables us to offer photos to distribution partners without the need to upload them onto their platform or otherwise send them any of the photos. We distribute the photos according to price models. E.g. microstock photos can be released for photo agencies using a subscription model, whereas premium photos are only offered to partners with a corresponding price model. All photos retain their license model. Fees may still vary considerably, depending on price models and payment methods in the country of sale.

G.08 Collective entries

Royalty free microstock subscription sales through our partners can generate an enormous amount of data, i.e. a lot of photos are sold through subscription models. Therefore we only book an aggregate sum to your account, no individual sales are listed in this case. We point this out in the terms and conditions for all the partners where this applies. Please read the terms and conditions carefully before you accept them. If you don’t want collective entries please refuse the partner.

G.09 eactivate a partner at a later time

Once you don’t want to supply a partner no longer stop releasing photos for this partner. If automatic release is activated please deactivate it (use “Manage pictures”). You can recall released photos (“Manage pictures”). You can’t, however, decline the terms and conditions once you’ve accepted them before. But this doesn’t mean your photos must remain for sale on the partner website.